Sunday 17 May 2020

Captain Butler

Next to Hemingway, I am reading “Gone with the wind” by Margaret Mitchell. It is a classic novel and this is the 2nd time to read since my junior high school days. To be honest, it is boring as so many pages are devoting much space to emotional expression of Scarlett O’Hara. I’m not interested in such psychological description of woman but it helps me to know how south people survived at civil war era. Captain Butler made success for his trading business using his 4 ships that took advantage of the confusion.

Anyway this kind of business sense is important as of today. Due to spread of infection of coronavirus, major companies are beginning to bankrupt. Nieman Marcus, Virgin Australia and retail giant JC Penney are named. In Japan, big fabrication company Renown applied for civil rehabilitation this week that I shocked very much. Its CM song was popular in 1980s with dancing girls and Alain Delon made French lesson narrating "c'est l'elegance de l'homme moderne" in D'Urban CM film that reminds me of my young days.

More shops and companies may suffer damage by virus and are obliged to stop their normal life of business. However unlucky may also bring an oppotunity of success. Remember captain Butler in south who made a fortune and grabbed Scarlett's heart !

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